Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Homemade Halloween

Over the weekend, people opened their front doors and distributed candy to costumed kids in exchange for three little words: Trick or Treat!

Halloween, by far, is my favorite holiday. I love the trickery, haunted houses, and especially dressing up. America loves Halloween too, spending in excess of 4 billion annually. However, this year is very different: The economy has finally caught up with Halloween. Average spending in 2009 was $56.31 per celebratory consumer, dropping 15% from last year’s spending ($66.54) last. The cutbacks in spending consumers are buying less candy, costumes, decorations, and greeting cards.

My Halloween, unfortunately, was a little less exuberant than in previous years. My own costume was one that I had worn in a previous year and the candy I bought was of lesser variety. I also felt that there were more homemade costumes roaming the streets than in years past. Some notable pop culture, homemade costumes that I saw included ‘balloon boy’ (crafted out of aluminum foil), Jon Gosselin (with pictures of all of his ‘eight’ kids), and the late Michael Jackson (complete with mask and glove).

Although I enjoy the creativity and resourcefulness of homemade Halloweens, I am hoping for a brighter economic future next year with an even wider array of tricks and treats. Happy Halloween!
