Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Once Trash, Now Treasure

Trash—it’s inevitably everywhere and there always seems to be more being generated. Here in the United States, the trash concept is simple: we take our trash and recyclables to the curb on our given garbage pickup day and it disappears via the garbage to truck to a landfill or recycling center. However, in Indonesia, trash is a huge issue—lining the street and rivers since the country is too economically impaired to fund municipal projects like trash pickup.

One artist, Ann Wizer, has helped create a special project aimed at not only helping clean Jakarta, Indonesia streets, but also establish well paying jobs, and create some really cool new items out of plastic consumer packaging. XSProject, Wizer’s foundation, keeps trash out of landfills—she hires local trash pickers to collect (usually colorful) branded packages, and repurposes them into usable bags, binders, pillows, and a variety of other products and literally turning one man’s trash into another’s treasure.

While this article isn’t exactly advertising centric, I think that XSProject and other similar groups are creating a solution and spreading awareness about the global trash issue to create functional and trendy items to be sold in the marketplace. While branding is so important to creating awareness among consumers, I think that advertisers have an obligation to be socially and environmentally conscious in regards to product packaging. According to XSProjectGroup.com, “only 1 in 10,000 products are created with the environment in mind,” and “98% of all products are throw out within 6 months of purchase.

I think that what XSProject is doing is a wonderful service to the people of Jakarta—creating new goods, establishing viable business opportunities, and cleaning up the streets.

To see some examples of their work and to learn more about the project, please visit: http://www.xsprojectgroup.com.